Robert Spekkens

Robert Spekkens Public Lecture: The Riddle of the Quantum Sphinx

Robert Spekkens: Leibniz’s principle of the identity of indiscernible as...

What is Reality Made Of? Unscrambling the Quantum Omelet | Rob Spekkens | Escaped Sapiens #74

Scientific Realism - lecture by Prof. Robert Spekkens

Robert Spekkens: The invasion of physics by information theory

Quantum Cause and Effect (Rob Spekkens)

Robert Spekkens: Disentangling inference and influence in classical and quantum theories

The Quantum Physicist as Causal Detective: Robert Spekkens and Elie Wolfe Public Lecture

QIP2023 | Why interference phenomena do not capture the essence of quantum theory (Lorenzo Catani)

[KEYNOTE] Why Interference Phenomena Do Not Capture the Essence of Quantum Theory

Panel: Paweł Horodecki, Wayne Myrvold, Ivette Fuentes, and Robert Spekkens on Quantum Boundaries

The Quantum Physicist as Causal Detective: public lecture webcast trailer

Parallel Session 2 - Auditorium - Quantum foundations

Is there an arrow of time in Quantum Phenomena? Lightning session II - QISS 2022 Conference

Adjudicating Between Different Causal Accounts of Bell Inequality Violations

Munich Quantum Stammtisch // Is the moon there when nobody looks?

Ladina Hausmann -- Learning and forgetting in Spekkens' toy theory

Quantum Today: Bounding the Deviations from Quantum Theory

Parallel Session 5 - The Buttery - GPTs

Robert Myers named as Perimeter Institute's new Director

Quantum Physics Thought Experiment Predicts Observers Witness Different Histories

the measurement problem of quantum mechanics

Jan 11 Matthew Pusey. 'Noncontextuality violation as a robust quantum resource.'

Symmetric distinguishability as a quantum resource — Robert Salzmann